Monday, October 20, 2008

Back from Four Months of Lazy

I've been busy. Running a restaurant whose staff is comprised primarily of college-aged alpha males will tend to keep one in a pervasive state of MUDS (Mentally Upside-Down Syndrome). Anyhow, enough people have commented that I've slacked off for too long as far as updating this blog goes, so I'll try to bring it back from the dead.

Now, the biggest problem I've had has been deciding what to write about - not that there's nothing going on, but rather too much. Thus, I make this promise to anyone who actually reads this journal: post a comment on something D.P.-related that you'd like me to write about, and I'll make it happen. Topics like "Stupid Things Ryan Does at D.P. Dough", "Stupid Things Employees Do at D.P. Dough", or "Stupid Things Drunk Customers Don't Remember Doing at D.P. Dough", or anything else under the Sun that you can think up are all fair game.

And if no one takes me up on the offer? Then I go back to forgetting to write.

Now let's see if people still come here for something other than the online job application...


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