Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Got a call from D.P. Josh up in Madison today. He noticed how the illustrations in my store's windows were attributed to my brother, Steve. I knew he hadn't drawn them, and told the photographer so; however, the photographer is a photographer for a reason. Once I mentioned that my brother had given them to me, he took that as meaning that he had drawn them, even though I told him that someone else had drawn them.

No worries, though. It's like Josh says, any publicity is good publicity. I'm hoping the Pantagraph publishes my correction, so that Jill Sipkins of Evanston, IL can receive due credit for her fine work. Ah Jill, if I only still worked at the Evanston Steak n Shake - your next shake could have been on me.

A pretty much totally uneventful day, other than having a potential Ben & Jerry's distributor finally get back to me and printing out paper job applications to distribute. More soon.

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