Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So Much To Do...

A state of paralysis may be setting in. Overwhelmed by all that remains to be done, we all (myself, David, and DP Brett from Ohio - visiting for two weeks to make sure the opening goes smoothly) moseyed over to Lunker's for a ritual Tuesday night Guinness.

The old man made it back to town tonight, and was surprised to find me at the bar watching the DVD of the Cubs' 13-0 shellacking of the Padres in the 1984 playoffs, when we really should have been applying primer to the dining room walls.

Nevertheless, things are shaping up nicely, and I at least managed to accomplish a few things today. Most important among them was the squaring away of the smallwares package I'll soon be purchasing from Serv-U. Nothing is more difficult than determining the number of containers you'll need for a store that is not yet open, but that's what I had to do. I also found out that I'll have to make due with only 18 dough trays until they can get more in stock.

I also met up with my woodmaster Joe, who will be constructing a type of counter never before seen in a McLean County restaurant for the front of the store - Health Inspector permitting. I can't mention what it will entail, since that would spoil the surprise. We spent probably a good hour going over specific layouts and potential alterations - true to form as ever, I'm an expert at wasting time.

Most importantly, sliding over to Champaign to pick out the smallwares afforded me the opportunity to remind myself why I'm going through all this trouble - I ate a Speed Zone. I may someday get sick of 'zones, but it may take awhile.

As for the actual build-out of the store, the weather officially postponed our target opening back from the optimistic Saturday target. The cover of wet snow made it impossible for the contractor's guys to start building the enclosure that will connect the walk-in cooler to the store. Instead, they finished up the drop ceiling, with the HVAC guys connecting the last of their vents to the massive blowers overhead. The electricians spent the day yelling back and forth to each other as they strung wire along the roof. Meanwhile, David and I discovered that the phone company left us with four lines that are not run into the building in a way that we can work with. Thus, we may have to have our electricians take care of it, or call Verizon and have them do a more complete install and $125/half-hour. You can see why I'm really hoping we don't have to go that route.

Anyways, I promised myself that I would make up for the sleep I keep sacrificing when my phone rings at 8 or so every morning by getting to bed early tonight. More soon...

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