Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Help Me! Setting Up Shop at the Job Fair

While excavators were digging a 4-foot-deep crater behind my store, I found myself in the Bowling and Billiards Center spreading the gospel of the 'zones. The off-campus job fair that provided my forum and captive audience was an all-out success. I had probably the most visible booth directly in line with the entrance, and found quite a few people curious about who I am, what I do, and where I do it - and whether they could potentially do the D.P. too. In any event, thanks to all the ISU students who stopped by to learn about the dough, and who were kind enough to navigate their way to this blog when I ran out of applications and told them they'd have to apply online - your efforts and quick response time are much appreciated. Of course, if I wasn't still a college student at heart, maybe I'd have had plenty of aps and driver info forms - and maybe even some colorful posters and such - but instead I barely managed to make it to the fair a half hour late carrying only what I remembered to grab on the way out the door. Still, as the picture below illustrates, it was well worth it due to a turnout that far exceeded my expectations.

Interesting side note: my booth was right next to Weed Man, who was not nearly as interesting as I had hoped he'd be - he was signing up people to cold call for landscaping services.

Moving promised, the latest construction pics are below, including the giant trench out back behind the store. It's now half-filled, with the footings in place awaiting the pouring of the concrete pad on which the walk-in cooler/freezer will sit. According the Mark (contractor's superintendent overseeing the project), it's really hard to get concrete poured in winter on the few days on which weather permits. Go figure. Not to fear, though - it's not as though this will delay the overall project, as I found out yesterday that the lead time on the walk-in cooler is four weeks. When I got that message, I immediately checked my bank accounts, maneuvered a bit, and hauled ass to Champaign to place my order for the unit as quickly as possible. As a result, my $8,725 down payment had to come in the form of two separate checks adding up to that total (funds still have not been released, as Todd (landlord) has gone MIA the last few days as I've tried to track him down to sign the final documents. For the time being, though, I should still be OK; however, I'd really like to have the funds ready so that no further delays are sustained on account of lack of money.

In the meantime, while I was in Champaign, I toured the damaged goods aisle at Serv-U (my equipment vendor), and found an ice machine identical to the one I'd planned to purchase new for a fraction of the cost. It's flaw? It had a panel chip off in transit, so they resecured it with a bolt, which I'll have to loosen to access the machine's inner workings. Do I mind? Not a bit.

It's a little hard to imagine, but in a month 'zones will be flying out of this kitchen.

My royal moat, commissioned to keep the enemy armies at bay.

Drywall stilts - a very cool tool of the trade.

Right now entrance to the store requires the assistance of two mules and a sherpa...especially since the front door can only be unlocked from the inside.

Anyways, I'll begin interviews for kitchen and drivers next week. I'll only speak in generalities, since it's not nice - and probably not legal, either - to divulge anything specific that transpires in an interview. In any event, stay tuned...

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